E-LED is a co-curricular student organization of the Economics Department operating in Enderun Colleges since 2016.E-LED focuses on promoting three main components: personal development, environmental awareness, and economic literacy.

The Enderun LED shall be at the forefront of promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, International Development Cooperation, Community-driven Development, and Social Entrepreneurship in the Enderun community.

This organization aims to :

(1) Mount awareness and engage the youth to respond to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(2) Develop critical thinking among the youth on current International Development Cooperation issues
(3) Partake in efforts of educating and forming the next leaders of Community-driven Development
(4) Support the new approach of doing business by holding and engaging discussions on Social Entrepreneurship

Executive Committee Members

PresidentSophia Nuñez
Vice PresidentWency Vallesteros
SecretaryJojie Dael
TreasurerAngel Langit
Marketing HeadDenise Lalu
Project Manager-
Assistant Project ManagerLiam Argomido

Moderator : Sir Jet Dela Cruz